Whole Horse-Whole Human
For professionals that want to be the whole package for their horse and human clients.
Whole Horse-Whole Human (WHWH) combines the Horse Care and Horse-Human-ship programs into a fully comprehensive program for the professional that wants to create their own natural horse care and science based training and education practice.
The program includes:
the Horse Care course
the Horse-Human-ship course
consulting and mentoring others on natural care and science based training for horses and humans
WHWH is about providing information AND encouraging and supporting you in getting started!
Assignments are practical work for:
studying and applying natural care methods
setting up a property
managing a property and herd
practicalities of starting a business
leveraging your thinking and communicating preferences
tailoring your communication appropriately to horse and human clients
building mental and emotional skills in yourself
coaching both horses and humans in mental and emotional skill building
studying and applying learning theory
applying science based training methods
creating a WHWH property
consulting and mentoring others in natural horse care and science based training methods