Saddle Fit Consultations
Treeless Suitability Consultation
- Analysis of horses conformation photos
- Q&A
- Treeless recommendations based on horses conformation and owner/riders desires
Instructions for Suitability Consultation​
For the initial consultation, the following are needed:
A. Pictures of your horse without a saddle standing as squarely as possible and on as even of ground as possible:
1. Full body directly from left side
2. Full body directly from right side
3. From behind them on their midline, taken from a foot or so above the top of their tail angled down at their back, wither and base of neck.
B. Weight bearing length. Two measurements are helpful. One from the center of your horse's scapula (shown in attached picture with the red dot) to their last rib. Second from an inch or two behind the scapula to the last rib.
C. Any elements a saddle needs for your comfort (for example: english style flaps and knee rolls, narrow waist, western style flap, etc)? What seat size are you comfortable in?
D. Is there anything you're concerned about? Any saddle slipping, signs from your horse (ears back, tail swishing, short strided, hard time turning one way or the other, hesitation to go forward or to slow down, etc), anything you're feeling while riding?
I look forward to getting to know you and your horse a bit better!
Treeless Fitting Consultation
- Analysis of conformation photos
- Pictures of the saddle on their horse
- Adjustments to saddle fit
- Recommendations
Instructions for fitting consultation:
For the initial consultation, the following are needed:
A. Pictures of your horse without a saddle standing as squarely as possible and on as even of ground as possible:
1. Full body directly from left side
2. Full body directly from right side
3. From behind them on their midline, taken from a foot or so above the top of their tail angled down at their back, wither and base of neck.
B. Same pictures as A with the saddle on, no saddle pad or girth/cinch. If your saddle has moveable panels, a picture of the under side of the saddle to show panel positioning.
C. Same pictures as A fully tacked up (saddle, saddle pad and girth/cinch) before AND after a ride to show any shifting the saddle does during a ride.
D. Same pictures as A with tack removed after a ride to show sweat marks.
E. Is there anything you're concerned about? Any saddle slipping, signs from your horse (ears back, tail swishing, short strided, hard time turning one way or the other, hesitation to go forward or to slow down, etc), anything you're feeling while riding?
I look forward to getting to know you and your horse a bit better!