I'm excited to share results of our impression pad testing on the older Freeform.
The facts... - older Freeform - rider is myself (approximately 5'2 and 140 lbs) - Walk, trot, canter - EDIX merino western 8 pocket pad - felt inlays - Top of the picture is front of the saddle, left panel is left side of saddle, right panel is right side of saddle.
The second picture shows the impression pad when we rode with it between the saddle and the saddle pad. This is the best way I can measure the weight distribution capabilities of the saddle itself. I was shocked at how well this saddle distributed weight all on its own.
The third picture is the impression pad after a ride with it between the horse and the saddle pad, which gives us an idea of how the saddle and saddle pad are working together. The potential pressure point on the left panel toward the inside is a typical result for Uno, you can see it a bit in the second picture as well. I don't think it's a pressure point from the saddle or pad, rather an issue of the impression pad moving under the saddle pad.
Fourth picture shows Uno's back after the ride with the impression pad under the saddle pad. You can see the edges of the panels of the impression pad and a clear spinal channel over his spine.
I had a lot of preconceived notions about this older Freeform. I was quite sure it was going to need significant padding to distribute weight well and attain spinal clearance. I was wrong. It tested quite superbly with minimal help. It passed a string test with the merino pad with just felt inlays.
I am using Cassy Saddle Impression Pads.
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