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EDIX Saddle Pads
In addition to a superb line of treeless and soft tree saddles, EDIX has developed customized saddle pads tailored to their specific...
Multiple Pressure Distribution System for Spinal Clearance
EDIX Saddles are designed with a Multiple Pressure Distribution System which provides optimal Spinal Clearance, and diagonal flexibility.

The Effect of Saddle Fit on Lead Preference
If you're familiar with Uno, then you know about our challenges with holding and maintaining the right lead. He first came to me when he...

EDIX Saddles Continuous Fitting
And our saddle fitting series is coming to a close... for now ;) In this video, I show updates on 6 of the horses that have needed...

Estimating EDIX Saddles Pommel Size
One of the biggest hurdles I foresaw in helping people to fit an EDIX Saddles system to them and their horse was pommel sizing. Most of...

Initial Saddle Fit Case Studies: Part Two
We continue on our treeless saddle fit journey and EDIX saddle fit journey with part two of the case studies. This video has a bit less...

Initial Saddle Fitting Case Studies: Part One
Welcome to the initial saddle fit case studies! If you haven't already seen the introduction to treeless saddle fit and EDIX saddles,...

Introduction to Treeless Saddle Fit and EDIX Saddle System
Here is the second video in our series about saddle fit. Make sure to watch the first video, Saddle Fit Case Study: Uno and the EDIX...
Extended Guide to Treeless Saddles
Please see the attached PDF for our extended guide on Treeless Saddles.
Why I Love EDIX Saddles
EDIX Saddles provides treeless saddles, soft tree saddles and all of their accessories for pleasure riding, trail riding, endurance...
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